Hello friends!
As all of you know that every year we had made our Ganesh idol at home . My mother made the idol. Ishwari and I had painted the idol with natural colour . Crown with Turmeric,cloths with beet root juice , skin with cornflour and one drop of red poster colour.
Makhar was made with waste material which I found near my building . Poles with sticks warped with yellow velvet paper . Back with card board which i get from inside new bed sheet ,a festoon with green paper . Lotus were made by Ishwari and me . We put real plant beside Lord Ganesha .
we had made so many origami things,except roses.mother had made it with corn cover leaf.You know about my Baba's modak.Really he is very busy in these festival days,but took time to made modak ,sufficient for all guest.because he loves us lot.
प्रिय सर्वेश, ईश्वरी तुमचा प्रर्यावरणस्नेही गणपती बाप्पा बघितला तुमचे अभिनंदन ,बाप्पाची मांडणी खूप चांगली झाली आहे, त्यावरून मला एप्रिलमधील चैत्रागौरीची आठवण झाली, शिबिरातील सगळ्या मुलांनी हिरवी पूजा केल्याचे आठवले.
ReplyDeletethanks ,we learn so many things from you.Sudhanshu Kaka inspired us for origami.last time he had made very beautiful flower from news paper.we keep it safely and offered it to our Ganesha.from this I had made twenty flowers from news paper for decoration.you can see in photo they are at left side of Ganesha.
ReplyDeleteDear Sarvesh and Eshwari,The great efforts made by your whole family. As your Baba has made Modaks,the same way Parnavi & Sanika's baba had made many beautiful flower sticks to offer Ganesha wherever their family has visited for darshan.We met them at Raina's place,so could see the flowers.
ReplyDeleteDear Sarvesh and Eshwari,
ReplyDeleteIts excellent. Your emmersion idea is gr88!!
Ganapati Bappa,the decoration,the prasad, the Visarjan and the spirit behind the whole celebration- Simply Great!!
ReplyDeleteप्रिय सर्वेश, इश्वरी आणि आई बाबा,
ReplyDeleteजेव्हा मी हा ब्लॉग वाचला तेव्हा थोडा वेळ शांत पणे visualise केले की कसा तुमचा हॉल तुम्ही सगळयानी सुन्दर पणे सजवला होता। आम्हाला यायला मिळाले नाही पण तुम्ही पाठवलेले फोटो पाहून खुप छान वाटले. या सगळया मधे तुमचा एकत्र विचार आणि त्या दहा दिवसांचा आनंद दिसतो। मी खरच शेवटचा विसर्जनाचा फोटो पाहून भारावून गेले आणि असे जाणवले की तुमच्या कडून खुपशा गोष्टी शिकण्या सारख्या आहेत। या सजावटी पासून ते विसर्जन या सगळ्या मधला सहजपणा मनाला खूप शांतता देऊन जातो, आणि मग जाणवते अशीच भावना तुम्हा चौघाना पाहून नेहमी येते।
dear Meghna thanks,
Deleteyour plant(gifted by Vedant to Sarvesh on his birthday) gives us flowers along with happiness.