Tuesday, May 31, 2011

my robotics summer camp.

hi pals!

how are you all ? I am feeling extremely delighted to write on the chequebook after such a long time. Actually our family could not access the Internet due to some computer snag. however that was unable to stop my anxiety to type this post.It was the Monday night when my parents finally blurted out the secret they had kept for a long time .They had enrolled me for the robotics camp! They also informed me that I had to wake up early In order to reach there punctually.I agreed and went to sleep on time.I could not stop thinking about it . however I got some sleep.

we were at first taught the fundamentals of robotics.we then made our way to create our first robot.there the obstruction avoiding robot. out there I gained many friends.We also learnt many theories. We made 10 intelligent robots. They are the obstruction avoider, the line follower, the object follower, the wall follower,the sound sensor, the mobile controlled,the fire sensor(stops at sensing the fire and rings the buzzer),the photo phobic(moves away from light) and the photophilic (the one following the light ).They are changed by just changing the connections.Unfortunately,I cannot upload its picture.so you all would have to pay a visit to me for me to show its working.

It was truly a rejoicing unique summer camp.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Unmesh,

    It is really exicting to read your post. You have really arose the axiety to visit you and understand more about it. I faintly remember that this word was first used by Isaac Asimov,in an old science fiction story. I was introduced to Robots in a old english film called Star Trek.

    Later in 1985 when I was doing my inplant at TELCO in Pune. Robotics was used for the fixing the front dash board and all tin work.

    If you wish we can still go to Pune and see the actual application of Robotics.

    But till then i will be happy to visit you and understand from you.

    Anand Naik
