Saturday, December 7, 2013

some crawl,some hop,others fly

  688 kilometres and 12 long hours is what it took us to reach Amboli,a hill station in south maharastra. Once reached a weird cloud of confusion hovered over me,as numerous new species of butterflies competed for attention.
common imperial
malabar banded gecko
  The first day was mostly about taking the feel of the the place. Where we, in the coming 5 days were going to explore. 
red spot duke

     The mornings were cold and the butterflies were almost there by 10am. But the night trails were most exciting(we were with four other guys by the way).Snakes and geckos being nocturnal,creep out a the darkest hour. Armed with a torch we set out,keeping a close watch on the branches and the ground. First catch being a malabar pit viper with lazily curled itself around one of the small branches. Vine snakes are diurnal and pretty common,while the cat snake was a treat.
grey count
bronze frog
common map
common lascar

vine snake

cat snake
Malabar pit viper


  1. Dear Omkar,

    It's hard to believe that those are actual snake. Advait was thrilled to see the photographs. They appear as if we are watching some discovery Channel. Grate work and remarkable photgraphy.
