Saturday, March 24, 2012

Steve Jobs

Steve was a visionary.He was someone who faced ups and downs but he overcame everything and became the person we know as Steve Jobs.This poem is just a tribute to that Steve -
He was a person,
Who used to do what he can.
For a normal person,
He looked like a common man.

He wasn't as charming as some,
He wasn't rich as others.
He was neither as intelligent as his sisters,
nor as strong as his brothers.

He was neither great in studies,
Nor was he good in any game.
He was kicked out of his college,
And sent to the place from where he came.

But he had a vision and
he saw things differently.
He had dreams, which to be fulfilled,
He worked laboriously.

He,by doing this,
Stood above the daily mobs.
He came,He saw,He conquered.
His name was Steve Jobs


  1. It is simply great Aniruddha...In near future your Baba can publish a new book of your fantastic poems. Keep sharing!

  2. Since exams are over we would be delighted hear more from yoi.

  3. I like Steve Job and your poem .His inventions are revolutionary.

  4. An excellent dedication to a progressive soul.
    Kiran, Swati.
