Wednesday, February 2, 2011


"Shano Varuna"is the motto of our Indian navy.It means let the ocean be auspicios on us.This motto was completely reflected on the family day of navy which we visited.
My brother who is in navy had invited us on his family day on INS GODAVARI.It was a had missiles,helicopters which are known as seakings on it.they took us for sailing in arabian sea.we went upto 55km away from mumbai coast.the vastness of the ocean enthralled all of us.
There were around 17 navy ships.We saw INS VIRAT,the biggest ship of Indian navy.There were demonstrations done by Indian navy.all the officers were in uniforms which reflected pride,honour,respect,courage and a sense of responsibility.
I fell short of words to express the experience.but it was an experience of a lifetime.............

1 comment:

  1. In the midst of vast ocean and witnessing the grandeur of our Indian Navy,what an experience!
