Sunday, February 5, 2012

My New Prayer

6th February, 2012
Dear Children and Parents,

My New Prayer

I am much better now
Getting better everyday.

In this episode of illness
My morning prayer has
Suddenly changed,
All by itself.

It is anew!

I thank God, Providence
And you all to begin with.
The newer addition comes then.

I thank my body and being
Profusely till I am filled
With gratitude.

In this episode of illness
I realised,
My body and being have been
Extremely kind to me,
They have been my “Rajdars”.
All along.

They have undertaken all the toil,
Play, love and care for
Whatever it was worthwhile.
At whatever cost they had to bear.

They have simply obeyed me all along
With utmost trust.
Trust that says ‘I care’.
Trust that says ‘I mean well’.

Now I bow down
To give a big Thank you to them.
Get up,
And Get going!

From – Lataaji


  1. i don't have flair for poetry ie. i don't understand it. i liked it for the theme of the poem. I felt that your detachment of body and mind is remarkable. Your thought of being grateful to your own body is something great. Reading it now, i began to understand what is the meaning of Self-actualization & how u achieved it.

    ps. If my comment is not ok please respond.

  2. What is the meaning of this word “Rajdars”.

    1. rajdar is the one who knows our `raaz`.i.e. our secret.hence it means a true friend.

  3. Dear Friends,

    Lataaji’s poem once again inspires me to thank all individual who been supporting me , helping me to make my life enjoyable as well as fruitful .

    Today happened to be Priyanka’s birthday and to celebrate the same with us my Aai and Baba had come specially from Pune to Sion. Its been so wonderful for all of us that they started helping us to plan Priyanka’s birthday right after coming to our place yesterday. Priyanka did not have to worry about our breakfast / lunch as Aai had announced yesterday that she will be taking care of the same and will be preparing dish which is favourite of Priyanka. As Aai and Baba were available for help , Priyanka could easily give special attention to herself as well as implementing her idea of giving special treat to all our servants , regular visitors ( Newspaperwala who I hardly see , Ironwalas ..) and entire security staff.
    We are going to have a great get-together in the night and Priyanka , Gunjan and me are very happy because Aai as well as Baba and my in-laws are going to be with us this special night .

    Thought of sharing our joy with you as well and conveying our big thank you to Aai and Baba as well as all of you for making us really special .

    We are ready to get going … Are You ?

    Ajit Navare

  4. Dear friends,
    just a corollary to what lataaji has said, I would like to narrate an small anecdote.

    Om enjoys going to his friend's colony (where all his class mates gather) on Sunday morning to play foot ball. Since he was playing after a long gap, he experienced that his body was still in inertia and his reflexes were sluggish. The following Sunday, Om was to again go for his football game. Despite his aversion to wake up early, he woke up fifteen minutes prior to the scheduled time and did his warm-up exercises. Om's self realization of respecting his body was a wake up call for both of us.
