Friday, August 17, 2012

After The Damage News

We were shoked by the incident of the Sunday morning sparks and smoke at Anandmewa. Gargi was quick to respond to the situation and informed the fire Department even before she reached Sion. The door was smashed and opened by some unknown helpful God's Messenger.The first person to visit was Anand Naik who took a cake for Lata aaji and Anil aajoba which served as a breakfast to them .Lata aaji was trapped in her room as the hall was full of smoke and escape roots blocked .
When we met her in the evening ,we realised that her morning decision to stay locked in the bedroom cool without attempting a rash struggle to escape from the main door was a split second accurate and life saving decision .This was responding 'not reacting' to an emergency. In those tense moments, she was thriving on bottles of water kept for both of them lovingly by Ananya. This small, dutiful act by the two and a half year old child even as she was preparing to go on a long holiday, cotributed in a big way to Lata Aaji's well-being.
When Anand Naik reached Sion with a cake, Lata Aaji's reactions were to thank the Lord who took care of her breakfast even in such an adversity. We were thinking about the damage caused and how to restore the things back to normal as quickly as possible."What should be the closest to her heart?" "All the articles and paintings put up in the house is the dearestof all to her", was the instant reply from Mohit and Soham. When we communicated this to her, she said with a smile, "Only my children know me well."
A cool temperament, quick wise thinking and timely action (masterly inactivity) are the lifeskills which are obvious conclusions to be learnt from this episode.

- Jayant and Suchitra

1 comment:

  1. i was really shocked to hear the news.By god's grace nobody was physically hurt.Just a small ignorance has led to such disastrous incident.We are sorry.The main decoration of the hall were the frames.We would make other frames to give the hall the same old feeling
