Saturday, August 18, 2012


Vaishali is not well, is at home & has no access to computer. Hence she has SMS ed random thoughts that came to her mind, when she heard the news. I am putting them in the raw form as she has forwarded.


My thoughts at random............

Fear, how is the family coping. I should not call Lata Aaji but how would I be able to provide help that is genuienly required. Impact on Ananya since all heart that would be close to her including her paintings would have been destroyed. The psychological trauma of losing children's creation - all those superb works of art, and how we can now recreate what we have lost, most importantly Lata Aaji's trust. How can we avoid / prevent this. How do wecope up & bounce back during calamities. Thought process when calamity hits. Presence of mind. How can all parents and children make good the damage that is done. As someone associated with Lata Aaji for over 10 years, I feel a part of family --- however, does this reflect in my thought process and my deeds. Where am I still going wrong. Lata Aaji is still required to handhold us through MOST of the decisions.

Vaishali Yederi

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