Friday, June 15, 2012

Contribution For SHIBIR

         We joined  shibir   only for  parents  meeting   for the first year and both of us accepted the concept of shibir. and we are part of shibir from last 6 years.
         Looking retrospectively we have received many things from shibir but our contribution in shibir is very less.   
             Both of us are agree that we failed to make friendship in the begining.and by the time we started opening  up it was late. Even we fall short to nurture the relations  with parents and children.Our introvert  nature was obstacle for not developing relationship.  Lata aaji has suggested to improve on this part but we started to work on it late. Now we have one more chance   to improve in regular shibir.
                        From   Prachi and Nandkishor  patil

1 comment:

  1. देर है पर दूरुस्त है. फाडफाड हिदीत असलं तरी खरं आहे. You stay very far off still your attendance percentage in shibir meeting is very good that shows your sincerity. Apart from Lata Aaji & few parents, everybody else is very slow starters including us. So dont worry about starting late.
